Managing Learning Pathways

About This Feature

Learning Pathways create structured learning experiences for members. Design a clear sequence of Products and create an engaging registration page.

Managing a Learning Pathway

Manage pathways by navigating to Admin > Products > Pathways or from the Explore tab. From here, you can:

  • Create a Pathway with structured Products in a clear sequence.
  • Customize the Pathway registration page with cover image and detailed description.
  • Edit or remove Products from a Pathway.

How To Edit a Learning Pathway

  1. Edit General Pathway Details:
      • Navigate to the Pathway area, click the overflow menu (the 3 dots), select “Settings” from the dropdown menu. In the Details tab:
            • Update Pathway Details:
              • Badge and Title: Modify the pathway’s name and badge.
              • Description: Adjust the description to reflect any changes.
              • Pathway Image: Upload or change the image associated with the pathway.
              • URL: Edit the pathway’s URL if needed.
            • Choose the Pathway Status:
              • Draft: Keep the pathway in draft mode to continue editing. Drafts are only visible to admins and won’t appear for members.
              • Publish: Make the pathway live, allowing it to be discovered and registered by members. Note: All products within the pathway must be published before the pathway can be published.
            • Click the ‘Save changes’ button to update and apply your edits.
  1. Edit Pathway Availability:
      • Navigate to the Pathway Settings and select the Availability tab. Choose who can view and register for the pathway:
            • Public: Anyone on the internet can view and register for the Pathway.
            • Members Only: Only community members can view and register.
            • Hidden: The Pathway is hidden and won’t be discoverable for new registrations.

      • Update the Registration Page:
            • Include a detailed description to help members understand what the Pathway offers.
            • To add a preview block that lets members review the Pathway’s contents, Type “/Pathway Preview” in the editor, then select the option from the dropdown menu to insert the block.
  1. Edit Pathway Sequence:
        • Navigate to the Pathway Settings and select the Pathway Sequence tab. From here, add or remove Products from the sequence. Note: Only published Products can be added after the Pathway is published.
        • Remove a Pathway Group:
              • If it’s the last group in the sequence, removing it will mark the Pathway as complete for members.
              • Removing any other group will give members access to the next group in the sequence.
        • Remove a Product from a Pathway Group:
          • If the Product is the last one in the group, removing it will mark that group as complete, allowing members to unlock the next group.
          • If it’s the last product in the final group, removing it will grant members Pathway completion.

Important Considerations

  • If a Product has a capacity limit or requires an application, these settings will be bypassed when added to a Pathway.
  • Products with ‘Public’ or ‘Member Only’ accessibility settings included in a pathway can still be viewed and registered independently outside the Pathway. To prevent this, set the access setting to ‘Hidden’.
  • Once a Product becomes part of a published Pathway, its status cannot be reverted to Draft.
  • If a published Pathway is removed, members already enrolled in its products will retain access to them.


Q: Can members register for a product independently, outside of a Pathway?
A: Yes, Products set to ‘Public’ or ‘Members Only’ access can still be viewed and registered for outside of a Pathway. To restrict access, set the product’s visibility to ‘Hidden.’

Q: Can an Admin revert a Product's status to Draft after it has been added to a published Pathway?
A: No, once a Product is part of a published Pathway, its status cannot be changed back to Draft.

Q: What happens to members' access to Products if a Pathway is deleted?
A: Members already enrolled in Products within a deleted Pathway will retain access to those Products.

Q: What happens if I add a new group to a Pathway? Do all Pathway Members have to complete it?
A: Existing Pathway Members who have completed the Pathway will keep their completion status and any certificates they earned. However, they will automatically gain access to the new group and can register for its products if they choose.

Q: What happens to members who are in progress if a Pathway Group is deleted?
A: Members who had access to the deleted Pathway Group will automatically gain access to the next group in the sequence, advancing their progress in the Pathway. They will also retain access to any Products they registered for within the deleted group.