How Members Find & Purchase A Membership Plan

About This Feature

Disco ensures existing and new members can easily discover and register for membership plans with the ‘Featured Memberships’ block and direct links. 

How It Works

Existing Members can discover membership plans from a few places, including:

New Members can discover membership plans from:

How EXISTING Members Register For A Membership Plan

  1. Navigate to the user avatar at the bottom left corner of the screen, select ‘My Profile’.
  2. Switch over to the ‘Account’ tab on the Profile Settings drawer.
  3. Select the “Change Plan” button.
  4. Select a plan from the membership selection drawer to open the membership details and review what the plan offers.
  5. Click “Switch Plan” when ready.
  6. Review pricing, enter payment details and confirm the transaction.

How NEW Members Register For A Membership Plan

  1. Review the plans on the community public page with the “Feature Memberships” block available.
  2. Select a plan to open the membership details and review the benefits and Products the plan offers.
  3. Click “Register Now” when ready.
  4. Create a new account with SSO or with an email address.
  5. Review pricing, enter payment details and confirm the transaction.


Q: Can members change their membership plan?

A: Members must upgrade their membership from a free to a paid plan by navigating to their Profile > Account > Change Plan.  If a member cancels their current plan, they will be downgraded to the Free plan. Members cannot move between paid plans.

Q: What happens if a Member’s payment fails?

A: Stripe will automatically retry the payment eight times, and if all retries fail, the member will be unenrolled from the membership plan and moved to the free plan.