Change Your Logo, Icons and Theme

About This Feature

Appearance customization allows you to have more control over the look and feel of your community to match your branding. Disco allows you to add your logo, icon, and colours and even update your favicon. 

How It Works

Appearance customization is found under the "Appearance" tab, which allows you to adjust the brand and theme of the default tab. Once saved, the updates will apply across your Disco community, reflecting all community members.

How To Change your Logo, Header, Icons

The community logo will appear in your top navigation, and your community members will follow it throughout the platform. It will also be included in emails from the platform and all external public pages. 

Ideal dimensions are:

Logo - width: 450px x height: 150px. 

Banner - width: 450px x height: 150px

Icon - width: 450px x height: 150px

Favicon - width: 450px x height: 150px

 To update your community logo:

  1. Navigate to the “Appearance” tab under the “Admin” area.
  2. Drag and drop a file or click “browse” to upload your logo. 
  3. Save” changes

How To Change Your Theme (Dark vs Light)

Your community theme will adjust the colors across the community so that they reflect your unique brand look and feel.

To update your community theme:

  1. Navigate to the Appearance tab under the Admin area.
  2. Scroll to Theme
  3. Select light or dark to update the theme and adjust the custom colors below Save changes